   Various industries from energy industry to the transportation industry are beginning to weight the benefits of incorporating superconductivity into their respective technologies. For example, the Advanced Magnet Lab in Palm Bay, Florida is trying to making wind turbines more efficient with the application of superconductive wires in the wind turbines' generators. Because of a superconductive material exhibits zero electrical resistance, electrical energy transformed from the mechanical energy of the wind turbine's rotors will be maximized in the case superconductive wires replace the current wires in placed in the wind turbines. 

     The property of superconductors to exhibit zero electrical resistance can be explained through what is called the BCS theory. A result of a collaborative effort by three scientists John Bardeen, Leon Neil Cooper, and John Robert Schrieffer, the BCS theory attributes this property of superconductors to electron-pairings in the crystal lattice structures of superconductive materials referred to as Cooper pairs. In the lattice structures of materials that exhibit electrical resistance, impurities and vibrations scatter these electrons and make Cooper pairs too difficult to form (electrons remain separated because it takes less energy to remain in this state than to form cooper pairs). 

    These cooper pairs form when an electron moving through the lattice structure attracts the positively charged nuclei within the structure, creating a sort of bulge in the lattice. This bulge of positive nuclei in turn attracts another electron that was previously moving in an opposite direction towards the first electron, forming the Cooper pair. The formation of Cooper pairs allows for the electrons to avoid the impurities and vibrations within the crystal lattice and effective negate any resulting electrical resistance.  The figure bellow illustrates the formation of Cooper pairs.
    The inner workings of a wind turbine include a series of coils of wires around the turbine's rotor that spins in the presence of a strong magnetic field. This magnetic field is provided by stationary magnets. This produces a current which is collected in a battery or channeled via wires to an electrical power plant. However, the amount of induced current that results from this solenoid is limited to the resistance of the substance that the wires are made up of, which is usually copper. Replacing these wires for superconductive ones will boost efficiency and costs in the long run. The only problem as of now is implementing these wires into the turbines and maintaining the extremely low temperatures required for these superconductive materials to remain below their critical temperatures. The figure above shows the conventional wind turbine design with a gearbox and non-superconducting wires, and a revolutionary new design that replaces a gear-box with a direct-drive mechanism and high-temperature superconducting wires.

  Magnetic Levitation Technology, or MAGLEV for short, is a revolutionary new form of high-speed public transportation that utilizes either superconductive magnets or electromagnets to enable frictionless propulsion of railcars. Only a few commercially available MAGLEV rail-systems are in existence today. One of these systems is the Shanghai Transrapid System located in Shanghai, China. A train on this 19-mile line travels an average speed of 267 miles per hour (430 kmh). However, this system uses electromagnetic suspension (EMS) which includes the usage of electromagnets on the undercarriage of the train as a means of suspension. The type of MAGLEV technology that we are interested is called electrodynamic suspension (EDS), where super-cooled superconductive magnets are placed on the sides and undercarriage of the train cars to provide the levitation required. Unfortunately, there have yet to be any commercially-available EDS systems in the world, although Japan is reported to have been making efforts to develop such a system in its Linear Chuo Shinkansen Project.

   One of the most important properties of superconductors that EDS magnetic levitation exploits is the Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect. This property is observed as a superconductive substance is cooled below its critical temperature (the temperature required to eliminate its electrical resistance). If this cooling process is conducted in the presence of a magnetic field, the superconductor will expel all magnetic flux by inducing a current at the surface of the superconductor. This induced current creates a magnetic field that opposes the applied magnetic field. However, since magnetic flux in a superconductive substance is always conserved according to Lenz's law, a decrease in an internal magnetic field in the superconductor will lead to an increase in the exterior magnetic field and effectively cause magnetic suspension.

   The EDS MAGLEV system includes not only the railcars but the tracks as well. Only the body of the train uses superconductors and walls perpendicular to the track are equipped with electromagnetic coils that run the entire length of the track. As the train passes by each section of electromagnetic coils, the train induces a current that works to provide levitation and center the train along the tracks. These coils are often referred to as guidance coils. To provide forward thrust, a linear motor system with the utilization of propulsion electromagnetic coils alongside the guidance coils is used. 

   As the train passes through these particular set of coils, the polarity of the coils itself is alternated to pull the front of the train along the track and to push the rear of the train and provide more thrust. The entire system is essentially an intricate arrangement of temporary electromagnets and superconductive magnets that ultimately results in the propulsion and levitation of the railcars. The configuration of a EDS MAGLEV system is illustrated in the figure above.

The advantages of this particular system is that it is environmentally friendly as it produces no harmful emissions because it runs completely on magnetic properties. Referring to EDS and EMS systems, EDS is more physically stable because the magnetic properties of the train/track system will automatically correct small variances along the track. EMS on the other hand requires constant and close monitoring of track tolerances to ensure that the train will not run off its intended course. EDS is also slightly more energy-efficient for the superconductive magnets on the body of the train conduct electricity even after the supply of current is stopped. Also, only the electromagnetic coils directly involved in the pulling/pushing of the train at a given time need to be activated to maintain propulsion, meaning that only a few of these coils will be engaged at a given point in time further saving energy costs.

Water doping has been able to increase the critical points of various materials so that they observe superconductor-like properties. An example of this is reflected in Esquinazi and his team's work at the University of Leipzig with water doping in graphite to give the material some strange superconductor-like properties. Water doping is simply soaking the material in water to provide the material with extra electrons so that the material can become a better conductor.

Graphite, after soaked in water, "superconducted" at temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius, which drastically outmatches normal conductors who need to be refrigerated with liquid nitrogen or liquid helium, which the highest possible temperature 77 K. The samples of graphite remained magnetic after being exposed to a magnetic field, but the team is not sure if this characteristic is a direct result of its superconductive properties or ferromagnetism. The team believes that high electron concentrations between layers of graphite allow the conduction of a current to be much easier in water-doped graphite and provide the solution as to why this material observes the properties that it showcases.

Another example is shown through the work of Sasaki and his colleagues from Japan Science and Technology Corporation and the National Institute for Material Science in Tsukuba on water doping cobalt oxides. The cobalt oxide configuration includes layers of cobalt and oxygen, separated by a layer of metal atoms. Water-doping altered this configuration so that a layer of water molecules separated the metal atoms and the cobalt oxides. This change increased the size of the unit cell and the material's physical properties. At 5 Kelvin, its resistance decreased and it became more difficult to alter the material's magnetic properties with an external magnetic field, both of which are superconductive properties. The figure above shows the structure change of cobalt oxide when after water-doping. Get more information

Iron-based superconductors have been a hot topic ever since their discovery 4 years ago. This is because of the many practical advantages iron-based superconductors hold over, for example, copper based superconductors which are brittle and difficult to work with. Earlier this year, a team from the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Maryland found an iron based superconductor that operated at the highest temperature in its class (47 Kelvin). Although still extremely cold, its critical temperature, or the point it takes a material to reach its superconductivity, was relatively high compared to others in its 1:2:2 class.

This class consisted of its crystals surrounded by a group of a calcium atom, two iron atoms, and two arsenic atoms. This diversity of atoms that make up the unit cell hold promise to the superconductor's ability to serve functions, for these common atoms could be substituted with different atoms to suit different situations. The superconductor that the team from the University of Maryland and the NIST discovered held a strange atomic property. When a calcium atom was replaced by a smaller atom, it unit cell structure was shrunk by 10%. Avoiding this size change, which is considerably large in the atomic level, would be key to this iron based superconductor's utility in electronics and other practical implications. The picture on the left shows this "shrinking" characteristic of the iron based superconductor; when the calcium on the far, front, right corner of the unit cell was replaced with praseodymium, the structure itself shrunk. In order to re-stabilize the structure, much more praseodymium was needed in the unit cell.

