
This isn't going to be your standard blog post. This is not about superconductors. At all. Rather, we would just like to take the time to thank the experts who have taken the time to look through this blog and add their input.

Mr. Charles Agosta, you inspired our "Organic Superconductors" post, and your work at Clark University has continued to inspire us to look at other fields of superconductors. We're sincerely glad that you liked the blog so far.

Mr. Hide Takagi, your work in the Nature Phys. paper was one of our first contacts with scientific literature about superconductors. We're just glad that we were able to sum up your work in our blog the way that you wanted it to be interpreted. As you suggested, we will start to look at superconductivity in lithium under high pressure.

Finally, Mr. Boaz Almog, we would like you to know that your TED Talk about quantum locking was what started this initiative. You got us interested in superconductivity, and we have learned a lot over the past months.

To all of the experts who gave us their input so far, thank you. This started as a high school project, and it seems to me that the project is nearing its end. We created this blog for people to learn about various aspects of superconductors. It was a bumpy ride, but we all learned a lot from it.

On behalf of the entire blog team, thank you all.

2/28/2013 03:02:54 am

Hi guys!

Your initiative is great. Keep updating it and I promise to spread the word. The reason for my TED talk was exactly this stuff.
Thank you!


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